Its been a very frustrating two weeks with little I could do to the car as I waited for - the T piece for the temperature gauge sender; the painter to paint the two body panels; the auto electrician to arrive to check out the wiring.
I'm still waiting on the auto electrician and the painter (my panels now next in queue), but I did get the T piece so fitted this today. Once this was done I mixed some water and anti-freeze and filled up. After about 2 litres of water/anti freeze had been added, a spout of water appeared from the top of the engine block. Dam - I'd missed this outlet and a corresponding small bore pipe outlet near the thermostat. I felt a bit like the boy with his finger in the dyke - no-one was around, so should I stand there like a lemon with a finger over each outlet, run for something to plug the two outlets, or shout for Mrs Rog? The latter option was tried and produced nothing so it was a dash for the garage and suitable plugs. However, as soon as I removed the fingers the "gusher" fizzled out so I was able to find something to plug them. The problem I now have is that I'm not sure if these two outlets should be directly connected - I assume they should so now need to start the hunt for information.
In the absence of any serious work to do I resorted to cleaning the chrome wire wheels. I've never been an avid polisher before because I've never really had the time, but now I do have the time I feel I've become a rather sad individual!
A little footnote about the engine swap and the stupid bureaucracy that now surrounds it in the UK. Apparently, DVLA now requires proof of purchase of an engine and ratification by a garage that it is genuine. This ridiculous requirement has been introduced to try and stop stolen car parts being sold and fitted as replacements. I've therefore had to email the guy I bought the engine from and ask for a proper receipt, otherwise DVLA will not update the engine details and I will not be able to tax the car - how pathetic is that?
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