Saturday, 30 April 2011

Frustration creeps in

Apologies for the long delay in writing this next "episode" but its been a very frustrating few weeks.
After the visit from the auto electrician, and a few changes in the wiring, I tried to start the car but the battery just didn't have enough life in it. After an overnight charge I tried again, and voila - it roared into life. Roared was the operative word as it was VERY LOUD! I guess the turbo on the old engine had somehow reduced the noise or perhaps the tone, but the car now barked and crackled like a Morgan trike racer. Great for a while but somehow I don't think the neighbours will think much of it, and I'm sure the boys in blue would have a word to say too. Much grinning later and the engine was switched off. However, the following day the battery just wasn't up to it and it was obvious that a new one was needed. Fortunately my local Battery City had one so a swap was easily accomplished.
Without an MOT I wouldn't risk running on the road but fortunately we have 100 yard long drive to the public road so I decided to try a few trips up and down the drive - clutch down - into first - clutch released - car stalled. I checked the cable adjustment and it seemed to be adjusted almost as far as it could. Head scratching began, followed by mild muttering and cursing. In the end it just required a bit more adjustment and it was OK. So, a few trips up the drive (which fortunately ends in a slight rise to the road so I could coast backwards and turn round) and I noticed that the temperature gauge was registering close to "Hot". Oh dear - switched the fan on and there was no noticeable difference on the gauge. I switched off and checked the engine - there was no apparent boiling. Was the gauge wrong? I needed something to check the actual temperature. Would the meat testing thermometer do the job? Would Mrs Rog find out? Oh well, in for a penny.
In the meantime I had an MOT booked so drove the 8 miles to the Class 3 MOT station. By the time I reached the garage, the temperature had again reached a point close to "high" on the gauge, even with the fan switched on. As I had arrived early I had a short wait - some 10 minutes, but by the time I started the car to move into the inspection bay, the temperature was near the low mark. That seemed a bit odd after such a short time. Anyway, the usual casual inspection resulted in an MOT after 10 minutes, and I drove home - once again the temperature gauge needle gradually moved to hot. As I needed petrol I stopped at a local garage and filled up, expecting the fuel gauge to swing across to full. Sadly, it didn't but stayed resolutely stuck at empty. Another problem to investigate.
Once home I snuck out to the garage with the meat thermometer and positioned it along the front of the radiator, noting as I did that the solder at one end of the radiator that attaches the nearside fixing bracket had become unsoldered - heat perhaps? After a few minutes of running with the bonnet off I had the proof I didn't want - when the temperature gauge read Hot, it was - 100 degrees C. Interestingly, when the fan was switched on the meat thermometer dropped to 80 degrees C, but the gauge stayed on high. It looks as though the gauge is not reacting as quickly as it should, but I do have a cooling problem so it looks like a supplementary radiator is needed after all.
The fuel gauge was quickly sorted - a connector had "disconnected". The fuel gauge now registers as it should.
As I had silencers with a removable centre, I checked one to see what baffling it had. Apart from a very thin layer of coarse fibres wrapped around the drilled through pipe, there was nothing else. All I needed was some additional baffle "wool" I thought and I could wrap that around the existing stuff and, hopefully, I would have a quieter car. EBay was the natural starting point, but nothing. I tried a general "Google" search and found three possibilities. One, a specialist exhaust company wanted £12 for a very small pack, but I eventually found another at £6.95 for twice the amount offered by the first. After going through the electronic checkout I was advised that this item was out of stock. Why do these Internet traders do this? Its so frustrating to go through adding all one's details, only to find the item isn't in stock. I shut the window and moved on, finding another company offering exhaust baffle that was supposedly in stock. 7 days later I'm still waiting for it. I know the UK post is bad, but it seems this is down to sloppy administration by the supplier.
Back to the cooling. I've researched the availability of supplementary radiators and it seems that its either Mocal (oil cooler) of Goodridge who make an oil or fluid cooler. The annoying thing is that I'll have to get another water transfer pipe as I cut the last one I bought to reroute the water back behind the engine and into the radiator. I'll trawl EBay and see what I can find. In the meantime, I'm learning about JIC sizes so I can work out what to do to fit the additional radiator.
Perhaps I'll get to drive the car this year - perhaps not.

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