We were away last weekend and so I didn't have much to report. This week I've mainly been working on finishing off the panel work which includes the covers between the bulkhead and the dash, making an airbox, and a battery box.
Having asked the JZR group what they were using as air cleaners, I got a mixture of answers, some of which I suspect were rather tongue in cheek (a cat flap being the obvious one). It appears that the JZR crowd have anything from "nothing", through a tea strainer, to a cut down proprietary air cleaner. Given that none of these seem to be a very satisfactory solution I opted to build my own. This comprises a couple of circular aluminium "pipes" that are fastened to the carb inlets with a jubilee clip. Behind this is an air box made of ali that has a mesh cover over a foam filter. Whilst not the most sophisticated fabrication, it should do the job.
After much head scratching about the positioning of the battery in the passenger footwell, I decided in the end to restore the battery to its original position behind the passenger seat so made up an aluminium box to house it. Previously it had just been sitting on the floor, retained only by its leads.
I've had a very frustrating time trying to find aluminium or stainless front mudguards. I tried one company who advertised an almost endless range of different diameters, widths and lengths in both aluminium and stainless. However, as is often the case with web site adverts, I received a reply that stated that they hadn't had stainless mudguards for years, and the size I wanted wasn't available in any material. Whilst I will continue to try to find what I want, I've cut down my steel mudguards (5" off the front) as I don't like the profile - they seem to drop too far over the front of the wheel for my taste. It was surprisingly easy using an angle grinder to cut a profile I had created with masking tape. I'll paint the mudguards black in the short term and continue the hunt for aluminium or stainless ones.
I took the bonnet and rear body section up to my painter during the week so hope to have the repainted items back in a couple of weeks. Now that I've decided to use the existing mudguards (for the time being anyway) I'll get him to paint them black too.
After a trial connection of the fuel and temperature gauges, I've discovered that the Stag gauges I'm using need a voltage stabiliser so I bought one on Ebay last night but won't get it for a few days yet. I've also order some ribbed rubber matting as I don't intend to replace the rather poor quality carpet which always disappeared towards the bulkhead when getting into the car.
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